Winter Skin Care Tips At the time of winter it is extremely crucial to pay attention to one’s skin because weather conditions at this juncture of the year could adversely affect a person’s skin. One should rely on natural cures as far as practicable.
Anointing the skin with moisturizers and body lotions just after a bath is a good way to cope up with problems related to the skin in winter. During extreme cold conditions one should utilize body lotion and moisturizers no less than three times everyday. Before retiring to bed at night in winter one ought to make sure that one uses moisturizers and skin care lotion. If one is averse to the notion of repeated use of moisturizers, one can pour little quantities of almond oil, coconut oil, or mustard oil to the water utilized for taking a bath. Applying almond oil, coconut oil, or mustard oil on the body and gently rubbing with fingers prior to going for a bath assists one to totally overcome problems associated with dry skin conditions.
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